Business Systems Laboratory Via Circumvallazione, 77 - 83100 Avellino C.F. 92082020642


Constantin Bratianu is Professor Emeritus of Strategic Management and Knowledge Management, UNESCO Department for Business Administration, and Founding Director of the Research Center for Intellectual Capital, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. He has been Visiting Professor at universities in USA, Japan, Austria, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Egypt.

He published over 30 books and 200 papers in international journals and volumes of international conferences. He published several chapters and two important books in knowledge management: Organizational Knowledge Dynamics (2015). IGI Global, USA, and Emergent Knowledge Strategies (2017) together with Ettore Bolisani, Springer, Germany.

He is Associate Editor of Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, Associate Editor of VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, and co-editor of the international journal of Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy. He is a member of the American Academy of Management, Romanian Academy of Scientists, and International Association of Knowledge Management. His academic interests are: knowledge strategies, knowledge dynamics, knowledge management, intellectual capital, and strategic management.

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