Business Systems Laboratory Via Circumvallazione, 77 - 83100 Avellino C.F. 92082020642 |
Marina Albanese Professor, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Marina Albanese is professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Political Science of the University of Naples Federico II. She is the Director of the Research Center (L.U.P.T.) of the University of Naples Federico II and President of the High Observatory on European Policies. In 2015 won the first Pan Ardito Desio prize from the University of Udine for research activities. Her research interests are focused on the topics of the cooperative enterprises, credit market, social capital and European policies. She have published numerous contributions in national and international journals and volumes and is referee of several international reviews. She is President of IAFEP (International Association For The Economics Of Participation) and Member of the Council of SIEDS (Italian Society of Economics, Demography and Statistics).
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