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Alessandro Chiolerio Italian Institute of Technology of Genova, Italy Alessandro Chiolerio received his PhD at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Torino in 2009 with a thesis on spintronic devices. He obtained a full professor habilitation (Solid State Physics) and associate professor habilitation (Electronics) in 2017. Alessandro worked as visiting researcher at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, at the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, at the Unconventional Computing Laboratory of the University of the West of England where he is Visiting Professor since 2021. He is scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology of Genova. His current interest is the study of cybernetic systems, particularly those that can be described through holographic analogies, such as liquids and ecosystems. Since 2022 he is in the top 0.5% scientists worldwide (applied physics). He collected and managed approximately 10 M€ of competitive and private funding, co-authored 150 papers and 15 patents.
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