Business Systems Laboratory Via Circumvallazione, 77 - 83100 Avellino C.F. 92082020642




Enis Elezi 

Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster Business School, UK

Enis Elezi (Phd, FHEA, MSc) is a Senior Lecturer at University of Westminster Business School. His research interest lies in the field of organisational studies, with a particular focus on the dynamics of knowledge management within higher education. His research examines how institutions can effectively cultivate, transfer, and utilize knowledge to enhance organisational performance and foster innovation. Dr. Elezi’s work has appeared in a range of peer-reviewed outlets, including Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, and Business Process Management. Enis serves as reviewer for a number of International Peer-Reviewed journals including Journal of Further and Higher Education, Knowledge and Process Management: The Journal of Corporate Management.


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