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Teodora Ivanuša Professor, Department of Organization and Management, University of Maribor, Slovenia Teodora Ivanuša, is a Full-time (Tenured) Professor for the scientific field Security Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Diagnostic Imaging and a Ph.D. in System Theory / Cybernetics. She is an OF-5 Military Specialist, former National Representative in NATO/CNAD/AC225/JCGCBRN, and former Advisor for Education and Special Tasks in Slovenian Armed Forces. Her main activities for the Slovenian Armed Forces covered Doctrine, Development, Training and Education Command, and especially Weapons of Mass Destruction (CBRN). She was awarded Bronze Medal for scientific achievements at Slovenian Armed Forces and Bronze Medal for distinguish scientific achievements at Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia. She is also a former Member of the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme's »Independent Scientific Evaluation Group« (ISEG), and active Representative of Rector’s Conference of Republic of Slovenia in Government’s Council for natural and other disasters, member of WOSC, member of BSLab and member of Slovenian Society for Systemic Research. Author of Cybernetics of Security and Défense Systems and many others Scientific articles covering both her Ph.D. thesis.
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